Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Jeremiah Torres What is a blog?

Read article written Karen Mann, Have a Personal Story to Tell? Become a Blogger. answer the following questions based on this article.

How many people are registered at Blogger.com? 1 million users

How is blogging changing the way people get their news? It's a concept many bloggers consider the opposite of what a blog is all about - an uncensored, unvarnished and usually very opinionated look at the world.

According to the Rebecca Blood, what is the weblog's greatest strength? Its uncensored, unmediated, uncontrolled voice. You can say whatever you want on a blog.

What inspires people to reveal so much of themselves online? Lots of people want to know different things about differnt kinds of people also. I guess you can say they are curious.

Read second article: ABC News People of the Year:Bloggers, Interent Phenomenon Provides Unique Insights into People's Thoughts

What are the two ways bloggers are providing services to the Internet community? What are the two ways bloggers are providing services to the Internet community? One way is that they talk about the news and talk about government business and about our situation in Iraq. Another way they provide servies to the Internet community is by giving answers to people. If I had a difficult question and I needed a answer they would post it just for me.

Read third article written by
 Corinne Marasco,Is it time for a company Blog?

According to Pew Internet and American Life Project, how many people publish blogs and how many people read blogs? eight million people now publish blogs and 32 million people read them. Every seven seconds a new blog is made.

In your own words what are the benefits of a company blog site? Some of the benefits are you can see what other people think about certain subjects, also it gets lots of things out in the air.

View Monsters Blog- what do you think about this site. It's alright. There are many questions and many opionions.

According to the article, why should some companies not use blogs? Because they wont spend enough time doing the articles. Also While you are at work it isn't open discussion with other people on the internet.


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