Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Intro to Internet Summary

A. What was the most valuable component to you?

I'd have to say for this question that I really learned a lot in this class about using the internet and the history of it. Some of the things that come to value are the blogs that I have created. I consider this one of the most valuable components that I have used since it lets me tell people what I think about something. Also for assignments it really comes in handy. One of the best things I like about the blogs is that you can let your friends know something about an assignment if they don't know about it. The last thing that I like about it, is the fact that you can help each other with homework too.

B. How do you think you apply what you learned to you future?

I will be applying much of this information that I have learned over this past semester to my future. Since I am going into computers, I have to know how to send emails, and post blogs. That is a defenite if I am going into that field of business. Also the html tags will come in handy one day since I probably will have to let people know information about me, and they will have to get in touch with me. Overall I think this is one of the best internet classes that you can take.